Monsieur Chatte` left and I still have a lot to write. The sea has been a little rough and it’s hard to concentrate. I had a chance to speak with the captain today. He seems like a really shady fellow, his name is Captain Sneed and he was hospitable enough. it was really strange however that whenever I asked him about the cargo or the island or really anything, he would say something like, avoid the question and instantly change the subject. I am more scared however, by the groaning and screaming I heard from below deck! Monsieur Chatte` says its just the wind and rough sea and the captain says that it’s just the crew, nothing to be worried about. It is quite frightening none the less. I don’t see why the crew would scream and groan. I hardly even see the crew but they don’t seem that miserable. I don’t believe it’s the wind or rough sea either. Sneed seems like he’s hiding something and I don’t think that it is very nice. Well, other than that life on board the Nesaurus has been pretty calm. Emily and I have been coming up with some games to play to pass the time. I don’t really have much else to write, I’ll try to write again soon.