I’m going to try to write in a journal during the voyage. Luckily Monsieur chatte` doesn’t know about it, if he did i would have to be very careful about what i write since he would insist on reading it.

I will start at the beginning. my grandmother sent me with Maya to school so that she won’t have to keep searching for tutors, the last six quit after they said something along the lines of “she has too much of an eye for adventure and not enough of one for her times tables.” at least that’s what my last one said.
Oh, I do envy Maya sometimes, she is practically perfect in almost every way. Well, at least monsieur chatte` doesn’t run and scream away from me. He says one day I could make a wonderful writer, at least he thinks I have a wild imagination. Writing isn’t very lady-like, the kind i do, any-way, i am riding the ship Nesaurus with maya and Monsieur chatte` to a boarding school for well bred young ladies. We need to stop at some island along the way, it isn’t very along the way but oh well , i love the sea so i shouldn’t complain. Back to the beginning, my god i do ramble, well, I’ll get better. it sounds very mysterious, the island, it’s called Phobionus or something like that, I wish my friend Jacob could have come but he doesn’t have to go to school, (lucky Jacob). He taught me to whistle, spit and throw apples.
I have to go now, time for tea.