my father told me to write in this journal while on the ship nesaurus. i guess i’ll start at the beginning, my parents sent me to an expensive boarding school far away. my journey will take 1 1/2 months to arrive only because the captain has to stop at some island i don’t know the name of to pick up some precious cargo and we have to go way off course to get to it and that will take about 2 weeks.

I’ll be at the boarding school for 3 years THREE YEARS! i cant believe i’ll be gone from my family so long, it seems like cruelty. at least i have monsieur chatte` and emily, my school-mate and best friend. i don’t want monsieur chatte` (my tutor) to read this and Emily, well, i don’t want her to read it either. i have to go, monsieur chatte` is on his way.